IA Times, July 2020

IA’s Brent Mecham retires

After a 45-year career, Brent Mecham, CID, CLWM, CIC, CLIA, CAIS, the IA’s industry development director, officially retired at the end of June.

During his career, Mecham worked for landscape companies, started his own landscape and irrigation company, and worked for Northern Water in Colorado as a conservation specialist. He joined the IA in 2007 and has been a major part of the success of the certification and education programs, while also teaching numerous irrigation courses. He has been extensively involved in the standards and codes process for irrigation equipment and practices.

“Brent has had an enormous impact on not only the IA but the entire irrigation industry,” said IA CEO Deborah Hamlin, CAE, FASAE. “His technical expertise and knowledge combined with a calm, diplomatic demeanor and a unique ability to explain complex issues in an understandable way, have made him an invaluable member of the IA team, a sought-after instructor and a powerful advocate for the industry.”

Mecham and his wife recently moved back to Colorado, and he looks forward to spending time on his own landscaping, enjoying grandchildren and doing missionary work for his church. The IA salutes Mecham and thanks him for his years of dedicated service that have made an invaluable impact on the success of many different areas of the irrigation industry.