Online Renewal
How do I print my invoice from my account?
A company’s main contact and secondary contacts can print the membership renewal invoice from their online accounts. Follow the steps below:
- Sign in to the IA website.
- Click the Hi [First Name] link at the top of the page.
- Click on the company link located under your name in the upper left corner.
- Scroll down the page and click the Company Dues Invoice button.
- Print or save invoice.
I forgot my login information.
You can reset your login information online by going through the Forgot Username or Password process. If that doesn’t work, please send an email to request your account be reset.
I am unable to renew my membership online.
If your membership is already expired, you will not be able to renew online. You must submit your invoice with either a credit card or a check to renew. Renewal payments can also be made over the phone by calling 703.536.7080.
The Renew Membership Now button is greyed out on my account.
Only the main contact or secondary contact on the account has permission to pay membership online. You must log in under the main or secondary contact’s accounts to pay online. Otherwise, please submit your invoice with your credit card information or a check.
Membership Dues
Where do I send my membership payment?
Membership renewal invoices with credit card information can be emailed or sent via fax to 703.536.7019. Checks should be mailed to:
Irrigation Association
8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Suite 630
Fairfax, VA 22031
When is membership renewal payment due?
Your membership expires as of Dec. 31 each year. Payments should be received by Dec. 31 to avoid a lapse in membership benefits.
Why is there such an increase in my dues?
If you joined the IA late in the year, your second year of membership would have been prorated. If you are comparing the prorated invoice amount with the current dues, it appears as an exorbitant increase, but that is not the case.
Upgrading Membership
I see on my renewal invoice that I can upgrade to a premium membership status. What do I get in return for this additional investment?
Premium members receive special benefits and additional recognition in exchange for their increased investment. The IA offers four categories of premium membership: platinum, gold, silver and bronze, each with a specialized package of benefits.
How do I upgrade my membership status?
If renewing membership online, you will have the opportunity to increase by one level (e.g., regular to bronze or bronze to silver, etc.). If you want to increase multiple levels, send an email or call 703.817.6503 to make the appropriate arrangements.
Membership vs. Certification
Why is my colleague’s membership less than mine?
Membership and certification are two different programs with different costs. Company membership is owned by the company and is addressed to the main contact listed on the account. Certification is an individual program and is addressed to the certificant.
Certification renewal invoices are usually between $75 and $225 for employees of member companies depending on the number of designations being renewed. Membership dues are determined by the company’s member type and could be $515 or greater.
I am a member of the IA but the system is displaying a nonmember price.
Please verify that you or your company is an IA member by visiting the online membership directory. It is possible that you are certified but not a member of the IA. Certification does not come with membership as they are separate programs and have separate fees. You do not have to be a member to be certified, although it is more cost effective to be a member.