Position Statements

Position Statement Development Process

The Irrigation Association brings a strong voice to legislative and regulatory discussions, representing the positions of our stakeholders to a wide range of policymakers and decision-makers.
Our efforts on the irrigation industry’s behalf are driven by a series of position statements that have been approved by IA’s Board of Directors based on the following process:

  • Any board, committee, Common Interest Group, task force or member may submit a proposed position to the governance structure of the association.
  • A proposed draft of the position statement is routed to appropriate IA leadership for initial approval, typically the association’s president and president-elect, as well as appropriate committee and/or CIG chairs.
  • Once approved, IA’s Government Affairs Committee assigns the proposed position statement to an internal working group to refine and finalize the draft.
  • The revised draft statement then goes to the full Government Affairs Committee for discussion and vote.
  • If passed, the statement goes to IA’s Executive Committee for preliminary approval.
  • If approved, the statement is posted on the IA website for a 30-day member comment period.
  • After the 30-day comment period is completed, the statement goes to the Government Affairs Committee for comment review and approval.
  • If approved, the position statement then goes before the full Board of Directors for discussion, vote and final approval.

Position statements adopted by the IA are posted on the association’s website for public viewing.
Three years after adoption by the board, all position statements are automatically reviewed by IA’s Government Affairs Committee; recommended position changes are reviewed following the same process as new policies.

Adopted by IA Board of Directors, September 2009.