Position Statements
Benefits of Irrigated Landscapes and Turfgrass
Cultivated and maintained landscapes, including the appropriate use of turfgrass, trees, shrubs and other plant material, provide important environmental, economic, social, aesthetic and recreational benefits in residential, commercial and public spaces. As these wide and diverse benefits are documented and supported by science, the Irrigation Association recognizes that more work is needed to qualify and quantify all benefits and their resulting value. Additionally, proper input use, including water, is needed to optimize the value that can be achieved in irrigated landscape areas.
The recognized benefits of cultivated and maintained landscapes, including oxygen creation, carbon sequestration, heat reduction, water retention, noise abatement and dust control, among others, should be taken into consideration during policy development. Additionally, efficient irrigation technologies, products and services are critical components of healthy and growing landscape systems. Investment in these efficient irrigation technologies and systems is necessary for society to maximize the environmental, economic and social benefits of cultivated and maintained landscapes.
The Irrigation Association supports the cultivation and maintenance of landscapes, including the application of efficient irrigation methods and other necessary inputs.
Adopted by the IA Board of Directors, December 2010.