Member-to-Member Recruitment Program

Refer a Friend

Irrigation Association members are the best recruitment tool we have, and the IA wants to reward your efforts!

Referral Rebate

When a new member credits an existing member with referring them to join, the existing member will receive a monetary rebate that can be applied toward membership dues or products and services from the IA store. Rebates vary based on the type of member recruited and must be redeemed by the end of the calendar year.

Member Type Recruited; Rebate Earned

Manufacturer — $100
Complementary Product Suppliers — $50
Dealer/Distributor — $40
Manufacturer’s Rep — $30
Contractor — $15
Consultant — $15
Affiliate Organization — $15

“Why Join?” Tools

Use these tools to start a conversation and be sure to have them fill in your company name in the “Referred By” section on the membership application.

IA membership is based on a calendar year (Jan. 1-Dec. 31). To enjoy benefits for the entire calendar year, returning members should renew their membership by Dec. 31 of the preceding year (i.e., renew by Dec. 31, 2019, to enjoy 2020 membership benefits). New members who join after Jan. 31 pay full dues the first year and are granted prorated dues in their second consecutive year of membership. A new member is defined as a first-time member or a former member who has not renewed their membership within the past five years.