Application Questions: Agriculture & Landscape Irrigation

The 2024 New Product Contest application is closed.

*Note: The following questions are for planning purposes only. All applications must be submitted via the Exhibitor Resource Center.

Product Information

  1. Product name
  2. Exhibiting company name
  3. Product website link
  4. Product category
    • Agriculture irrigation: Revenue greater than or equal to $20 million
    • Agriculture irrigation: Revenue less than $20 million
    • Landscape irrigation: Revenue greater than or equal to $20 million
    • Landscape irrigation: Revenue less than $20 million
  5. Date introduced to market (Must be between Nov. 1, 2023, and Nov. 3, 2024)
  6. Date product was initially trademarked or patented
  7. Location(s) where product is currently available
  8. Brief product description: Please provide your description in layman’s terms so that individuals in both agriculture and landscape can understand. (max 100 words)

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Judging Criteria

  1. How is this product innovative, what challenge does it address and how does it positively impact the broader industry? (max 250 words)
  2. Have the product claims been independently verified? If yes, please provide when, where and by whom. Please provide case studies, if applicable (see below for file upload). (max 250 words)
  3. How does your product positively impact water use efficiency and/or provide other sustainability benefits? What is the anticipated return on investment for that efficiency? (max 250 words)
  4. Describe the product’s ease of use and installation, as well as the economic efficiencies it provides, especially to installers or end users. What is the product life expectancy and product warranty? (max 250 words)
  5. References (file upload DOC or PDF) – please include one study or report that supports the above claims about your product for the judges to review.
  6. Product Picture (JPG or PNG) – please upload one high-resolution color photo (at least 300 dpi) of your product that may be used by the IA. Dimensions should be 1200 x 900 pixels at a minimum.
  7. Company Logo (JPG, PNG or EPS) – please upload one high-quality company logo (EPS with text converted to outlines AND a JPG or PNG all at least 300 x 300 pixels).
  8. Display Needs: Electrical (yes / no); Minimum Space (2 x 2 or 2 x 4 pedestal)
  9. Creator name, organization and phone number (this is the user who created the entry. This information is visible only to admins and is not part of the proposal)
  10. On-site Representative name, organization, email address and phone number (your proposal must include one representative that will be on-site during the 2024 Irrigation Show and Education Week).


Dates & Fees
Contest dates
     •  Applications open – July 9
     •  Application deadline – Sept. 13
     •  Product judging begins – Sept. 16
     •  Product setup at the show – Nov. 5
     •  Announcement of winners – Nov. 7
     •  $1,200 – first product
     •  $750 – each additional product
A separate agreement form must be submitted per entry.
Payment is required at the time of application submission for each entry.